IBAZ Investment & Financial Service Co. is providing consultation services in Pakistan & international (Middle East) since 2017.
IBAZ has offices at Islamabad (head office) with total staff strength in excess of 20. These include Accountants, MBAs/BBAs, qualified IT staff, legal and tax professionals.
IBAZ experience includes consumer and industrial product services, engineering and construction, Livestock, Retailer Marts, Agricultural, Dairy firms, automobile & educational projects
At IBAZ, we provide services to clients:
“We live in an era of profound change. Since our humble beginnings in 2017, a lot has changed in the market including the needs of our customers. One thing that has not changed is our commitment to uphold the trust and belief of our customers in meeting their finance requirements with high customer service standards in an ethical manner.
A number of SMEs have achieved their business objectives through our financial services and maximise shareholders wealth.
We derive our competitive edge from our well-trained and experienced team that is committed to provide the best-in-class service requirements of our customers.
We continue to further build on our human capital through continued investment in well-structured training initiatives focused on customer service, risk assessment, team work and leadership development”.
Our Purpose and values are the foundation of our success. We exist to build trust and solve clients business problems, and our values help us deliver on that purpose.
Through our integrated service lines—Assurance, Strategy, Consulting and Transactions, and Tax— and deep knowledge of IBAZ team, we are committed to help our clients to capitalize on new opportunities, maximise wealth and assess and manage risk to deliver growth. Our dedicated & multidisciplinary teams help them fulfil regulatory requirements and meet stakeholder needs.
IBAZ believes, a business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts. In a rapidly changing world, at IBAZ we’re trying to make an enduring impact by staying focused on our purpose of for our clients:
“Turning Vision into Value”
We believe, IBAZ is ideally placed to serve you and provide the professional services you need that reflects your values, dreams and vision for your family’s future. We do this through a discovery process during our very first meeting with you.
Our purpose is to build trust in society and solve client problems. Our values define who we are, what we stand for, and how we behave.
Transform itself in a constantly changing environment by executing necessary strategies that will enable it to provide value in a sustainable way. If a firm is to help clients achieve this with success, then it must adopt a view of corporate activities that is broader and more varied than ever before.
IBAZ offers solutions that support clients beyond mere strategic planning or the closing of a deal to the realisation of the plan and the actualisation of the deal’s synergies. IBAZ does not resolve issues with a single turnkey solution; rather, its emphasis is on producing new value for clients by flexibly integrating diverse solutions with industry-specific knowledge and knowhow. Such thinking is at the root of the services provided by IBAZ.
Transform itself in a constantly changing environment by executing necessary strategies that will enable it to provide value in a sustainable way. If a firm is to help clients achieve this with success, then it must adopt a view of corporate activities that is broader and more varied than ever before.
Duis augue magna, euismod vel neque nec, egestas commodo nisl. Sed faucibus mi nibh, eu accumsan tellus
- Mark Airbourne
Aliquam finibus elit risus, a malesuada odio ornare vitae. Fusce placerat enim eu mi iaculis ornare roin aliquet
- Lydia Lavelle
Phasellus finibus velit ut turpis venen atis rutrum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec sit amet auctor enim, ut eleif
- Robert Zahn
Aliquam finibus elit risus, a malesuada odio ornare vitae. Fusce placerat enim eu mi iaculis ornare roin aliquet
- Lydia Lavelle
Phasellus finibus velit ut turpis venen atis rutrum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec sit amet auctor enim, ut eleif
- Robert Zahn
Duis augue magna, euismod vel neque nec, egestas commodo nisl. Sed faucibus mi nibh, eu accumsan tellus
- Mark Airbourne
Phasellus finibus velit ut turpis venen atis rutrum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec sit amet auctor enim, ut eleif
- Robert Zahn
Duis augue magna, euismod vel neque nec, egestas commodo nisl. Sed faucibus mi nibh, eu accumsan tellus
- Mark Airbourne
Aliquam finibus elit risus, a malesuada odio ornare vitae. Fusce placerat enim eu mi iaculis ornare roin aliquet
- Lydia Lavelle